It’s just over forty years since I moved from the commercial world to the ministry world; two worlds on the same planet, not two worlds apart.
Oh – by the way, I’m ruminating, not reminiscing . . .
Two things always sat on my last commercial world desk, a motivational sign and a photo of my family. Or was it a photo of my family and a motivational sign? Each was a message. Was it a one-or-the-other message? No, they were both-and-messages.
The sign’s message said “trade for profit” the photo’s voice “remember why you are there.” Two voices, two values.
Two values, not competing ones – values calling me into integrated thinking, to reasoned action, applying thinking process of looking at connections, explanations, beliefs, conclusions, actions or feelings. Not to a one-or-the-other mode of reasoning.
Most values in front of me then and now are not choices between good and bad; they are between good and good. Choices are not simple this-or-that, either-or. Not simply you can have one, but not the other. Good choices call for good reasoning, perceptive reasoning.
The sign said, trade for profit; not make a profit!
The photo didn’t say, don’t forget us, it said remember why you are there!
Good leadership decisions in whatever world I lead within, does not countenance “this-or-that-reasoning” – it requires wrestling with making “both-and-decisions.” Integrating two values, two goods; profit and people, how I trade and why I’m here.
“Both-and-reasoning” gives us larger-picture-leadership. Admittedly how and why motivations are good, but not by themselves.
Saint Paul, big on “both-and-leadership motivations” writing as a “how-and-why reasoner” sums it up this way . . .
“ . . . friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. (Message Bible)