Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bible translations - same words making a different sound = "fresh voice"

Hearing the Word in differing translations is one of the practices I was introduced to early in my journey as a Christian disciple  . . .

A couple of years back, well two - while looking at a couple of verses in Romans, well two - doing my usual practice of "scoping the text across a range of Bible versions," recalled the name of one of the earlier translations I had been encountered by . . . didn't have it on my bookshelf (have collected eighteen versions/translations/ paraphrases so far), so looked it up on the web . . .


Reading in varying Bible translations, while I may hear from the same "original" words, they make a different sound . . .  that different sound equals a "fresh voice" . . . renewed rumination of the text is now "on my menu"!!

Hey, check out that rumination and reflection . . .

"what texts could you read from to enable differential thinking?"