Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Election Day Saturday - Sunday the Sun will rise

New Zealand's national election day on Saturday won’t go away—it will occur and merge into the country’s national history. The sun will rise on Sunday, just an hour earlier.* Both events call for some considered action on one’s part. The first, decide to vote and vote your decisions. Secondly, change the time of any household clock or device that isn’t smart enough to do so for itself. Life will actively continue.
BTW the sun won’t actually rise at any time different to that which is normally does. My changing of clocks and devices, doesn’t rearrange universal reality—we live in an ordered universe. Neither will my voting; though both actions affect the rhythms in personal and national life.
“Election season”—a bit like “Duck season’s” limited, loud, and intense activity—now officially over, leaves us with questions and perspectives for living in the light of day. We live in a-time-of-questioning, not just through it. Some questions are common to daily life. Such questions either orient, or reorient us—their voice calling us to fresh considered action. For Jesus and His disciples questions worked that way in John 9:1-4 . . .
Passing by, they saw a man blind from birth . . . 
His disciples asked him: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?”
 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned—this came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him . . .   Jesus answered . . .
We must do the works of him who sent me while it is day . . .  Night is coming when no one can work . . . 
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
Our questions, often framed as alternative answers close us up to considering a different perspective of life and societal problems; Jesus answers “our or” with “His neither-nor”. He reorients to working together in the light He is in the world in which we are.
It’s daylight using time . . .

* NZ's Summertime daylight saving time commences 24/09/2017