Sunday, February 19, 2012

Face it - leadership is ultimately situational

For some time now (actually years) I have ruminated on the crossing of the Jordan river as the Israelis entered the "land" under the leadership of Joshua. My ruminations are "centered" from the acts and hearts of the Ark carrying priests as they took the first steps - then stood still while others went by them. For me they model "leaders that follow." Leaders that enable others to emerge in situational leadership

So, during my "chewing this hard and long" I wrote a poem; it's Sam Hunt styled, in a chiastic structure ... 

I'm seeking by listening to the "head-heart talk" of the silent priests ... 

Into the river we walked
Together we walked but none talked
Our place in the river we took
We were wet but not from cold did we shook
On our shoulders we carried the presence
That had carried us to the present
In our place in the river we’re now dry
In awe we shake but not cry
By us through the river they walk
They’re dry and O how they talk

By the way - I'm still ruminating . . . the poem's been "on the shelf" for a few years . . .