Monday, July 7, 2014

When thinking about “throwing in the towel” — forget it . . . you don’t have one to throw . . .

A common idiom saying, “I’m quitting” is “Throwing in the towel”  . . .

I’m no longer going to fight in this arena, so I’m throwing my towel into the ring to signal, “I’m out of here” . . . but there is more to it than that. More than is commonly understood in the idiom’s generalised use. In fact, there is a simple problem, but first background to the idiom.

Definition background: “to throw in the towel and throw in the sponge; or toss in the sponge” comes from boxing, this action taken by the boxer's trainer to stop the fight. The trainer signals their fighter is withdrawing from the fight contest.

A simple problem of understanding – the trainer has the towel, not the fighter!

You cannot toss in what you do not have, but you can remember to trust the trainer . . . now, that gets me into ruminating on some words from the apostle Paul; words to Christians in the past who also “struggled with life in the ring” . . .  reminding them God is with them as their “trainer” . . .

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT)

In feeling the challenge, pressure and trusting the trainer – don’t “bite the bullet” chew on the text . . .
  • Knowing that the temptations and pressures in my life are no different from what others experience doesn’t mean it’s easy, just its normative
  • The trainer is faithful 
  • The trainer will not allow the temptations and pressures to be more than one can stand, he is committed to one’s success, not their mere survival
  •  “Stand” is not a synonym for survive – it’s a synonym for endure
  •  When you are struggling at energy’s end tempted, the trainer will show you a way out so that you can endure 
Remember the trainer does not have your “dying in the ring in mind” – he does have . . .
  •  A towel on his shoulder
  • A plan in his heart for your future
  • The capacity to enable our fights, fears, failures to serve as fuel to form our future
  • Ways of escape, operative for our endurance; not one’s mere survival
 Don’t look for the towel, trust the trainer


Anonymous said...

You can't throw in what you don't have! Good word JD. I think we sometimes forget that the 'trainer' has our best interests at heart. He knows the game plan.

Derek said...

A timely word John - good one to start your efforts back in the blogosphere ;-) So often the temptation comes with the feeling that we're fighting without a trainer, and that the towel is indeed ours to throw!

Unknown said...

Great blog john....very encouraging. My trainer is giving me some time out to enjoy the victory of some battles while preparing for the next plan that He has for me!!4

Unknown said...

Thank you for this post. It was very timely for me as I am six months away from my PhD dissertation deadline and am tempted often to throw in the towel. You have given me a great image that confirms what was deep in my heart--this is the work the Lord has given me to do and it is not my prerogative to quit. It is not my towel to throw.

Thanks so much, brother.

Unknown said...

Very well said John. Good advice to the many who are backing down and "throwing in the towel.

Matu said...

Kia Ora John
Mean as post...I was thinking in throwing in the towel with teaching. Thank you bro

shells said...

thanks John - I really like your use of the towel image and explanation of what it means. I will store this away against the day that I begin to entertain the thought of "throwing in the towel". Reminds me of the famous STAND FIRM words of Paul - put on the full armour of God......and when you have done all else, STAND FIRM. I have the image of a person continuing to endure when things seem unendurable - because as we stand, it is God who is standing in us.

Elaine said...

Just what I need today as I ponder the future. Thanks John.

John Brodie Snr said...

Thank you John, very edifying and extremely timely. a great teacher as always....Selah Just like the wonderful days at Te Nikau a place and time set by the Trainer..........My reading today

1Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession before many witnesses.
Blessings John

Marney said...

Hi John,
thank you for the reminder and encouragement. We send of love and prayers to you and Dorothy. I am so thankful we are still in touch. God bless you.

Philip McFedries said...

Had a 'throw in the towel' moment today so grateful for your blogpost.