Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spirituality … a Buzzword that won’t ever really buzz-off

I’ve been doing some “inside-head-thinking" … brain-buzzing … now a “think-dialogue” from me to/with you . . .

Our worlds have always had prevailing “buzz words”. They come, make a sound that gets attention – and then buzz off. Good riddance! But not all purported to be buzz-words are in fact so … neither should or even will they “buzz-off” at our wishful requests. Spirituality is a non-buzz-off, buzzword.

What does the word spirituality convey?

It is a “trans-religious word” you know. We live in a world abounding with spirituality and spiritualities. But note this, religions and faiths never effectively build their focal points from generalized definitions. Effective and living faith always demands faith-development growing from particularized and applied definition. For Christians and Christian churches, spirituality is vitally linked with the adjective, “Christian”. Christian Spirituality is a particularized spirituality. Some of the recent writers my eyes have read define it as:

“The conscious human response to God that is both personal and ecclesial.”

“… the quest for a fulfilled and authentic Christian existence, involving the bringing together of the fundamental ideas of Christianity and the whole experience of living on the basis of and within the Christian faith”.

“The spiritual renovation that comes from Jesus is nothing less than an invasion of natural human reality by a supernatural life from God”.

The essential aspects of these and other definitions of Christian spirituality are; the human soul and existence, being lived in a development and synergism of the life of God in Jesus Christ, which calls for personal and communal response as the conscious foundation for living within culture and society.

Oh, one more thought for your thinker … unlike generalized spirituality, Christian spirituality is not trans-religious, though it is trans-cultural.

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