Been thinking; “so what have I been doing the last forty years?”
Answer - same old, same old. Still learning, living, and leading what I learned, lived, and led in back then; or should I say from and since then. Not for a national chain of stores, but within and through an international, trans-cultural mission-structured community – you guessed it (I hope) the church as God’s Kingdom mission structured community; the only truly global organism operating a continuous production of leadership.
The continuity of leadership is a product of healthy community structure and function. Methinks the very nature of the church as community produces, responds to, and ensures the continuity of fresh or new leadership.
I’ve been ruminating on some organic codes of belief for church leadership continuity. . .
- Existing leaders equip, enable, or facilitate the growth of community
- The church as nurturing community arises from the self-structuring of the Spirit’s work within a group of related persons
- Life and growing lessons of ministry are experienced and passed on through the church community
- Leaders beget other leaders through equipping in the environment of community
- Leadership formation is proactive function in the community as context of ministry formation
- The continuity of leadership is a natural-product of healthy community structure and function.
“So JCD, your thoughts on what you will do with the next forty years?”
Answer - well as I would be turning one hundred and eight at the end of that period, best I focus on this week and the next. I anticipate to be still learning, living, and leading what I’m learning, living, and leading in today and my tomorrows. Still hear the challenge to Tim . . .
“So, my man, throw yourself into this work for Jesus. Pass on what you heard —the whole congregation saying Amen!— to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others.” II Timothy 2:1-2 (Message/DPV)
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