Recently I received
(yet again) one of those “in-our-day-type-lists” forwarded emails . . .
The headline
stated; “Anyone over the age of 35 (methinks it ought to say 50ish+) should read this” . . .
So, being just on
“twice over the limit” I had a sober read . . .
My thanks to the
writers (or posters) Sean and Gaasedal, it’s good to qualify to read your
post/blog . . .
You’ve inspired a
few additional ruminations from my world towards your “admirable reflections” (or
are they responsive reactions?) . . .
- We only took the bus if it was more than two miles (3.2km)
- Boys in my neighbourhood didn’t wear many hand me downs, we had new clothes, but the colour always seemed to be “kaki” (long live the military production surplus of 1942).
- Yes, we returned pop and beer bottles or collected them in “bottle drives” to raise money for others to get Boy Scout uniforms. But milk came to the house and was “ladled” into your own milk billy-can – “what’s a milk bottle?”
- Mum didn’t provide a taxi service, she used one – I still hold open the car door whenever a “non-male person” is getting into a vehicle.

- By the way – “what’s a plastic bag?”
- Oh, we didn’t live in the country – we lived in Devonport (made and born there actually).
- Only houses with a flushing loo had a TV (toilet vent) – our neighbourhood was fairly “posh”, so TV’s were everywhere!
- The grass was green, paper bags and clothes were brown, the sky was blue, the bank balance though small was written in BLACK, and the New Zealand Herald newspaper was read daily – but not at the breakfast table!
- When needing to access knowledge and data we had two 24/7 sources. A set of encyclopaedias, and a real live international consultant with unlimited/ un-challengeable, reflective, stored knowledge and opinion – my Australian mother!! The second data source had an under-pressure-default-setting, “go ask your father!”
Cheers - JD
By the way, if you are looking for the deep reflective significance of this blog, don't! There is none. I'm posting on a holiday (Auckland anniversary) and enjoying myself before going for a walk with my post-young girlfriend and eating an ice cream.
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