Thursday, March 13, 2014

Seeking inspiration, try reading your own writing . . .

The KJV’s translation of 1 Corinthians 14:10 resonates in my daily emails; 
  • “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification” . . .
I followed my usual procedure of opening my email this morning:
  1. deleted some “un-read”
  2. deleted some partially read
  3. read and ruminated on some
  4. read, ruminated and responded to some
  5. read, ruminated, reacted and deleted some
  6. read, ruminated, reacted and left some for a re-read when my mind has “cooled”
  7. read, ruminated, evaluated, and forwarded some, and
  8. read and actioned others.
One of the “read and action” group was a survey of purchasing habits and values, lifestyle and leisure trends; interesting. 

Interested in responding to their offer of “reward points,” I’m into the survey.  In the middle of checking choices three boxes with related questions appeared; interesting.
In a flow-of-consciousness I quickly respond to their three questions, then read them over; interesting. Hey, I’m ruminating; interested? 
Read on . . .
What makes you happy? 
  • Seeing people improve their opinions of others and attitudes to life's adversities - we can't alter some of life's difficulties, but we can revise our attitudes and actions in the face of them.
What makes you angry?
  • It’s more a who, than a what - Me makes me angry . . . that suggests to me I can do something with or about my anger.
What is special about you? 
  • I'm allegedly normal . . . that’s frightening.
Before opening my emails this morning I had already intended to read something inspirational as my day commenced. Now I’ve read some; didn’t realise beforehand I might write it first.
  • Read your own writing lately?
  • How long since you've written something that’s there to read in the first place?  
“There are many voices in the world and they all mean something to someone . . . “

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the way you are able to communicate and order your ruminating and thoughts!!! Very gifted....but as a woman,I walk my journey,I have to manage my emotions and discipline my mind to agree with the word...once I start reasoning confusion happens. Thank you so much for your great encouragement