Please re-join me again,
in my ongoing pondering . . . as I think along about thinking, and crystallise
some thoughts . . .

Some time back along
with lots of other folk at our church, I spent “40 days with Jesus.” Over that
time, we engaged in daily readings of the life of Jesus. We read the text and
daily note commentary, prayed a focused prayer, and pondered on what the “sound
of the reading was voicing to us.” I then wrote what was the heart of my daily
Now, a couple of years
hence, I’m still hearing—so, here’s the last
of three posts considering some of the “ongoing ponderings of my 40 days of
Jesus’ journey ” . . .
- “Allegiance to Jesus can cause division.” Should my allegiance to Jesus cause division, I must remember; “JCD, don’t reciprocate into self-justified mutual-alienation!” I can still choose to be open to those who are becoming “closed to me.”
- “Faith’s an essential in my ongoing journey of “rediscovering the revealed Jesus.” I don’t merely review my existing knowledge and notions of the Jesus I know; I keeping meeting the Jesus I have never known. Hence, faith’s an essential.”
- Responding to Jesus is a "new starting point;” It’s joining a journey of response - aka “encounter”.
- Through walking more and more in Jesus’ love, I will build less and less barriers.
- I can develop a passion to seek people – knowing the Jesus who lives in me has both passion for them and ability to save them . . . when I reach out with Jesus (and the Spirit) I engage in “Jesus seek-n-save-mission-method” - together we seek, solely He saves!!!"
- If I have a heart for people and a passion for the right, God’s character forming in my character directs me in the wisdom of His ways. I will know what to do; I then have to choose to “do that wisdom!”
1 comment:
Hi John
I love your pondering's! I have written these down for my own pondering ;)
John the voice I hear, in these wise words, is of humility and an openness to learn. In my view this reminds me of what Jesus talked about in Matt 18:3.
Keep shining your light!
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