Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thinking about what you’re thinking . . .

Been thinking that when Jesus said to Peter in a post-Cross environment, “do you love Me?” He was not checking him out; Jesus was calling him into a new phase of relational service with Himself.

So far in my summarizing of the rumination factors, focuses, and flow on this meditation read . . .

The challenge to love Jesus for Himself is a “calling voice”.   Christianity as a discipleship of the cross is both "call to glory" and "call to suffering".   Both calls must be answered concurrently.  Love for Jesus calls for attachment to Him, through “ongoing un-attachment” to this world, myself, my comfort, perceived possessions, self-centeredness and self-interests.   To follow Jesus of the cross is simply, “to give up what I cannot keep (and would not keep me) to gain what I cannot lose”.

Why not have a “think-chew” for yourself . . . how does the flow of your ruminations read?

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